We had a scholarship workshop a few weeks ago and here is all the information we discussed. I have attached the link to the recording and all of the resources we discussed. If you choose to use the scholarship tracker, make a copy first with your name and then share it with me and your counselor so that we can keep track of your scholarships.
Scholarship tracker: https://drive.google.com/file/d/151gYT7IRUa1vJ0eipeUTyvy-OJsmIzec/view?usp=sharing Also, here is the link to join the google classroom if you haven't joined already. This is where we post the scholarship newsletter, new scholarships, and other important information. Be on the lookout for the February Newsletter! https://classroom.google.com/c/MjYzMjAwNjEyMTRa?cjc=z53zogp